With the latest on goings with Angus T. Jones and his fall from grace comment, it looks like teen queen Miley Cyrus will be replacing him on the famous show, "Two and a Half Men." All thanks to Cyrus' stint on the show, the series got all-time high ratings plus at the rate Angus T. Jones is going who's not to say he won't be replaced?

However, before fans of the teen queen, Miley Cyrus start celebrating, all the rumors are false. Cyrus will not be replacing Angus T. Jones on "Two and a Half Men" and he won't be taken off the show either. For those who don't know about the Jones' drama, head on to YouTube and find the stars' rant calling the "Two and a Half Men" show "filth."

All thanks to that video, Jones had become the talk of the town. Apparently, the star would be taken of the show for such disgrace and Miley Cyrus would be set to replace him. Given the crowd just loved Miley during her "Missi" stint, the idea was perfect. Yet, as mentioned above, Angus T. Jones will not be taken of the show but it doesn't mean Miley Cyrus won't be back for more.

Due to the highest ratings brought by Miley, the former-Disney star is set to hit back filming for another episode or more on "Two and a Half Men." Even Miley agreed to want to come back.

"I hope at some point I could come back and do this because it's been a really good time," gushed Miley, adding, "So I think it's a really fun episode, and it sets up, if I ever wanted to come back here again, it would just set it up so nice."

Co-star, Ashton Kutcher was also one to agree that Miley stole the show and that her coming back would definitely boost the ratings even more.

"She walked in here from the table read and just owned it," explained Kutcher. "It might become two and a half and three quarters of a woman," added Ashton.

Unlike Angus T. Jones, Miley possessed quite the positive aura about "Two and a Half Men."

"This is the only kind of show that my whole family really likes," explained Cyrus, adding, "It's just a cool show that everybody likes and it's kind of good for everyone, so it's fun to be here."