For all the parents who dread the mention of Miley Cyrus' name, here is good news. The most controversial singer can now be a role model for your kids - she has quit smoking cigarette and it's been two months now, according to her tweets. The 21-year-old tweeted her happiness for remaining cigarette free for such a long time and it indeed is an achievement. She can now be role model for teenagers, various media agencies are saying.

"2 months no cigs #proudofmyself," Miley Cyrus wrote on Twitter on February 3. Her fans have been overwhelmed by Miley's declaration.

"im so proud of you baby girl," writes #emo on Twitter.

"Congratulations baby, I am so happy for you," writes sotaria on Twitter.

Other reactions to Miley quitting smoking have been from a hashtag Miley motivation (#mileymotivation) to people expressing their own frustration from not able to quit smoking.

Miley made headlines in 2013 when she couldn't stop herself from smoking a cigarette (which looked like it had weed inside) on stage during the MTV European Music Awards in Amsterdam. The "Wrecking Ball" singer was felicitated by Artist of the Year award by MTV and had to go on stage to collect her trophy but she started smoking as she stepped on stage. Media went crazy reporting the incident and Miley reportedly told one of the websites that she just "happened to find" that in her purse and hence thought of smoking it.

Was this the incident that prompted Miley to quit smoking? However the "Bangerz" beauty has also shared her behind the scenes photos from her latest W magazine advertisement and one of the pictures show her smoking a cigarette. Check the picture here.

It is not sure when exactly did the photo shoot for W magazine happened but Miley has dyed her eyebrows blonde in it, which was last year. Another reason why Miley must have quit smoking could be because of medical reasons. The singer has reportedly been suffering from persistent cough since quite some time now and has been complaining about it on Twitter too. It must be quite possible that Miley was advised by her doctors to stop smoking.

Whatever the reason be, Miley's fans are happy that she has taken a mature decision to stop smoking. What are your views? Also check out the slideshow for Miley's smoking on stage pictures above and video below.
