Miley Cyrus rose to fame just like Lady Gaga did with her "Fame" album. Her single, "Just Dance," rose to the top when people were getting curious about who this fashion-forward woman was. Gaga's impressive vocals and lyrics were able to captivate people, who became her fans, calling themselves "Little Monsters."

Lady Gaga was capable of turning the shock factor on with her avant-garde fashion sense and her love for Alexander McQueen creations. Her performances often had her naked on stage or with elaborate designs that only she understood the full story behind. Gaga was often criticized for her work but as they say there is no good or bad publicity.

Winning awards and performing for different crowds, Lady Gaga was famous overnight but it didn't last long for the singer. Her latest album, "Artpop," which people waited for and expected much didn't give the feel and vibe that her previous albums, "Fame," "The Fame Monster," and "Born this Way," gave to her fans.

Will Miley Cyrus be expecting the same fate? The answer is probably yes, without the much anticipated racy content that Miley produces and does for her fans, she will slowly be another Lady Gaga. Cyrus gained the attention of people by cutting her hair short and trying to get out of her Disney child star image. She has been successful in doing just that but will the success last?

The problem with Miley's change is the fact that she hasn't been able to get the crowd with what some of today's well known singer have done and this is through talent. Gaga has talent, a great composer; singer and artist but the singer marketed herself on her weird style.

Cyrus is marketing herself by being controversial. In time, people will eventually get tired of her antics. Will Cyrus become just like Gaga? Fans could only hope that they both get back to producing great music in which their fans had originally idolized them for and not their crazy and jaw-dropping antics.