Fan feuds are quite normal in Hollywood but when death threats enter the picture, everything turns sour. The latest celebrity to receive death threats is none other than former Disney star, Miley Cyrus. Ironically, the death threat drama comes from Taylor Swift and Selena Gomez fans. It's "Milers" VS "Swifties" & "Selenators."

Miley Cyrus has certainly made a name for herself in the business with her acting and singing career. Of course, haters aren't always inevitable let alone death threats. In Cyrus' latest tweets, the pop star mentioned celebrities whose fan base sent her death threats.

"Everyday someone with a Swift or Gomez in there name wishes terrible things upon me (death is popular) Please Smilers don't ever," stated Miley.

Like any other fan base, Miley Cyrus' "Smilers" are dedicated to the core. However, Miley Cyrus made sure her fans knew the difference between being good fans and down-right psychopaths.

"think somehow you are supporting me by being hateful towards other artist. My fans make me proud by supporting my music & everything I do," stated Cyrus to which she added another tweet, "Im sure these haters would make their idols much happier tweeting bout their music rather than wishing death upon their peers like psychos."

Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift should definitely follow in Miley's example by reprimanding their fan base. If anything, fans should learn not to harbour hate for one fan base or celebrity. Of course, "Milers" VS "Selenators" and "Swifties" greatly resemble another fan feud involving "Beliebers" and "Directioners."

Miley Cyrus wasn't the only star bombarded with death threats. Fans may recall death threats targeted at Selena by a few "Beliebers" when she had been in a relationship with Bieber. The same instance had occurred to Swift who had received threats as well from "Directioners" all thanks to the "Haylor" couple.

The former "Hannah Montana" star did make a fine point in her tweet. Hopefully, Gomez and Swift pay attention to their fans and make sure hate and death threats aren't passed easily around. As for fans, it's best and definitely mature to focus on their celebrities' careers. Nothing good has come out with harbouring a grudge against celebrities or their fans.