4J Studios sure know how to tease the Minecraft TU14. This time, it's in the form of another screenshot, with the caption, "We have no idea what this says. Maybe @Kappische does? :) #MinecraftPS3 #MinecraftTU14."

Immediately, fans are swarming to find translators, as the screenshot poses a series of possible commands and executions. Some have already found translations to the highlighted command.

"NO WAY? TELEPORTATION? My friends and I were JUST talking about how cool that'd be!" said @Eskuhbro.

Another fan has also translated all other commands, as what @TheMeaningOfBla has done:

"Kan teleporta: Can teleport

Kan flyga: Can fly

Kan Stanga av: Can turn

Kan bli osynlig: May become invisible

Sparka Spelare: Kick."

What do you think of the new screenshot? Thoughts?

Minecraft Snapshot 14w10c log released

Mojang has also released a new snapshot, the 14w10c, along with a long list of changelog,

For the most part, the changes are various bug and crash fixes. The more recent snapshot changelog features the following changes:

- New Mob AI doesn't take world limit/Void into account for pathing

- Cake's Hitbix is Off

- Fences connect to Barrier block

- Block drops appear in wrong location or behind walls

- "Cross" and "Flower" models display incorrectly

- "Slightly Damaged Anvil" faces the wrong way in Inventory

- Exception on server start "Name and ID" cannot be both blank

- Planted Nether Wart appears as purple and black checkerbox

- Missing cauldron inner side

- Player data cleared after switching to14w10b

Other changes also including better cactus renders, fixed positions of HitBoxes and Eyes, correct renders of Iron Bars, and ability to model top and bottom half of doors separately.

Check out the link above to see the long and full list of changelogs, as well as download the newest Minecraft Snapshot 14w10c.

Block by Block Progresses in Haiti

Block by Block is a partnership project between the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the UN Agency promoting sustainable towns and cities, and Minecraft creators Mojang. Minecraft is put into even better use with the project, as it is the perfect tool to plan out urban public spaces for the four years that the partnership will be running.

The partnership started out in Kibera way back in early 2013. Block by Block has also targeted work in Kirtipur, one of the old towns in the Kathmandu Valley, where the main work being done is the improvement of the water system management and upgrading of existing public spaces for community use.

Minecraft models of some of the spaces in Kirtipur had been constructed by FyreUK, with photos of the real world vs. the Minecraft world showcased in the official Block by Block web site.

And now, eyes are turned to Les Cayes, Haiti, wherein a massive new Minecraft model of the Les Cayes waterfront has just been built. Work in Haiti for the park in Les Cayes has also been finished, with the before and after photos accessible in the link above.

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