People turn to self-help books whenever they feel down. Such books help them fill their inadequacies through generalizations and mantra. They aim to change life through self-love and positive affirmations.

Psychology professors and new-age quacks are the usual authors of self-help books. This tradition was recently broken by Australia's clotheshorse and national productivity killer Miranda Kerr.

Aside from going out with Legolas from Lord of the Rings and making huge sums of money, Kerr managed to write her own self-help book titled Treasure Yourself which is set to be released later this year.

Kerr explains her book to Elle Magazine, saying, "It's about encouraging young women to embrace their individuality. You may think it's easy for me to say, but we all have insecurities. It's important, as women, to get past all of that and let our talents shine."

A book written by the likes of Kerr may appear unrelatable. However, her focus on self-esteem, nutrition and peaceful spirituality may actually be able to help many. People dealing with issues on obesity, depression and other personal problems may find themselves benefiting from Treasure Yourself.