Miss Nebraska Megan Swanson became a victim of wardrobe malfucntion on Live Tv. Megan accidently flashed her panties as she leaned over to talk to her fellow contestants. The host for the evening, Chris Harrison, was standing next to Megan as she accidently flashed her lingerie.

Interestingly, at that time Harrison said,"As they're (judges) looking through the beautiful gowns - not literally, that would be wrong - the judges will be looking at the personal style and flair of each of these contestants." The camera then panned to contestants sitting behind Harrison and Megan was reportedly unaware of her posture and now the fans can't stop talking about it.

Here are some Twitter reactions:

Miss Nebraska just went Sharon Stone on us there. Cornhusker pride.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravisBGID) September 15, 2014



— Catholic Girl Probs (@Catholicgrlprob) September 15, 2014

Miss Nebraska, you're going to regret that so much.

— Spoiled Little Brat (@spoiledbratprbz) September 15, 2014

Moreover, before competing in the beauty pageant, Megan said in an interview to KE TV, "I've pushed myself harder physically than I ever have. I'm in the best physical shape of my life, and the best spiritual and emotional shape as well."

Swanson reportedly put more than 16-18 hours in the gym to get her body in the shape. Swanson belongs to Omaha and gave her best shot at the pageant. She has studied in Millard North High School in Omaha, and is currently pursuing music at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.

The title of Miss America went to Miss New York Kira Kazantsev. She impressed the judges with her "Pitch Perfect" rendition of "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. Even Kira has been dissed by the beauty pageant fans. When she was crowned that the twitter went ablaze with the reaction and many of them called her "bland."