Miss Universe Philippines Ariella Arida apologizes from her controversial "Latina" comment that sparked a lot of news since she was interviewed by ANC's Karen Davila. The 24-year-old beauty queen posted her apology on her Twitter account @araarida as she expresses her regret of making such comment from her last interview.

"OM sorry. I didn't mean to offend anyone from my last interview. I hope you guys can understand what I'm trying to say, " she Tweeted.

Her ANC interview turned viral that one controversial DJ Mo Twister from the Philippines posted a clip from the interview on his Twitter account and slammed her comment about Latinas. ANC's "Headstart" -- a morning program from the news channel, was Ariella's last interview before heading out to Moscow, Russia for the Miss Universe competition.

In the controversial interview, Ariella can be seen saying: "Latinas cannot even speak a sentence, right? I mean, a complete sentence in English."

Ara's statement was part of her answer in response of Karen Davila's question about her communication skills in English, where many people, especially Filipinos are very critical about it. Arida defended herself that she is doing her best to improve it and will work hard to express herself in conveying her message to the people.

Because of that comment, Mo Twister posted on his Twitter account: "I don't intend to bash on out Ms. Philippines here but how the f--- is this not considered offensive toward Latinas? I mean, we ALWAYS get so sensitive when someone says anything about us Filipinos (see Dan Brown, Alec Baldwin and every other time we screamed murder) yet our girl representing our country, in a legit interview regarding the competition, says Latinas can't out a sentence together in English."

"That would royally piss me off if I were of Latin descent. I'm pretty sure we would lose our minds if we heard an interview of a contestant saying 'Filipinos can't string a sentence together' and our Senator/Congressman would persona non grata that bitch immediately," said the DJ who is now based in New York.

Well now that she apologized, hopefully this controversial comment will eventually have its natural death.