With Miss Universe 2013 just a few weeks away, the contestants are putting their best foot forward to take away the most coveted crown. Amongst the 87 delegates, Miss Universe Canada Riza Santos is emerging as the strongest contestant owing to her English and Filipino roots.

After Miss World Megan Young's win, the Filipino connection has become quite a flavor of the beauty pageants' thus giving Riza Santos a stronger hold. Let's take a look at top five reasons why Riza Santos can win the Miss Universe 2013 crown:


Most of the times controversies work in favor and it has indeed done so in case of Miss Canada Riza Santos. Riza was crowned a week after, third runner-up Denise Garrido from Bradford, Ontario, was wrongfully crowned. After declaring Garrido as the Miss Universe, the pageant authorities came forward apologizing for the typographical error and crowner Riza as Miss Canada. Riza got more a lot of press and media sympathy for getting her due after a week.


Santos is a lethal combination of beauty and brains. She has studied engineering, and has worked in armed forces. Riza wants to empower women in various fields. Santos also has a soft corner for environment and wants to dedicate herself for environmental protection.


Miss Canada Riza Santos is a powerhouse of talent. She has trained in musical theatre and opera at the North Conservatory of Music. Also, she is a terrific dancer and has learned jazz, hip-hop, salsa, and traditional Philippine dance.

Fit body

Santos is gifted with the height of 5 feet 7 inches, and has a bikini body everyone would die for.

Unusual talents

Unlike any other Miss Universe 2013 contestants, Riza Santos has a rare talent of hitting the target precisely using the C7 service rifle. She has served her country being in armed forces thus increasing her chances of winning the Miss Universe 2013 by leaps and bounds.