The judgement has been passed, who is the most beautiful woman in the universe? Yes, Miss Angola has been crowned Miss Universe 2011. It's a sizzling topic, gaining the attention of almost everyone in the world.

Prior to that, news stunned a lot of people, especially critics. It is all about one of the beauties of the prestigious competition. Miss Columbia caught the spotlight when photos of her wearing skimpy dresses without anything underneath emerged. Indeed, it raised the eyebrows of the critics.

Some stated that it is her clever move of standing in front of the spotlight, just in an appropriate way. The president of the Miss Universe Organization was so surprised and released a statement that "the sight of Catalina on the cover of a local newspaper without panties was very, very nasty". Paula Shugart commented on Fox News "Our supervisors talked to the contestants about dressing appropriately and one of our PR spoke to Miss Robayo and apparently she was wearing underwear".

Many would say that not wearing underwear is a big no no. But still, it is the woman's discretion whether or not to wear something underneath. It depends on the woman if she's comfortable with it or not. Opinions and personal values can contradict. We are uniquely made from one another, we can make our decisions and choose what we think is best for us.

Though the controversy is very deteriorating, Miss Columbia did not lose her confidence. She continued the battle with grace and prestige.