New York Mets slugger David Wright believed his team is capable of winning 90 games next year, a number of wins that could catapult the franchise back to the major league postseason.

Wright, seven-time All-Star, said general manager's Sandy Alderson's projected win mark for the Mets is good starting pointy for the team to reach, as they attempt to come up with a better outing this coming season.

"We've got good players," Wright said. "I love the fact that Sandy is confident in us. I think 90 is challenging, it's attainable, and it's a good starting point for us. You know, number goals, it's tough to come out and say, 'I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that. We're going to do that.' But I think 90 is a good starting point for giving us something to shoot for and getting guys to understand that mediocrity is not going to be acceptable.

"It's not about being better than last year. What does that get us? Third or fourth place? It's about being a good team and being a playoff-contending team. Ninety wins is a good starting point." Wright said the 90-win total was not communicated to the players by Alderson.

"That's the first I heard about it," Wright said about Thursday's published report on ESPN "But I like the fact that, like I said, he seems confident. He's had a chance now to bring in some of his guys, make some of his moves. I think it's great."

The Mets have posted five consecutive losing seasons and finished with a 74-88 slate in the past two years.