ABC's 'Modern Family' Cast And Crew
The cast and crew of ABC's "Modern Family" pose on the red carpet of the 2014 EMMY Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. Reuters/Mike Blake

Episode 2 of "Modern Family" is entitled "Do Not Push," and it's all about the various characters in the show trying to push each other in the direction that they want, whether or not it's the best thing to do. Cameron Tucker and Mitchell Pritchett are newlyweds and they want to take a new family picture to replace the older one that's on the mantle. It's not as simple as it sounds as the pair encounters some trouble getting a nice photo with their daughter Lily in it.

Cam and Mitch have finally adjusted to their life as newlyweds and they have finally gotten over the hurdle of transitioning from the honeymoon stage into normal life. As time went by, they noticed that their adopted daughter Lily has taken offence that she's not in the family picture that now sits above the mantle in their living room. Lily even drew herself on a piece of paper and tried to stick it in between her parents in the photo. The couple then decided to finally take a new picture to replace the old one and include Lily for a real family picture.

Cam set the camera on a tripod and the three of them positioned themselves for the shot. They all gave their best smiles and when Cam checked the result, he wasn't too happy and asked to retake it. The family posed again and when Cam checked again, he still wasn't satisfied and called Mitch so he can see it too. They both agreed that Lily's smile is forced and unnatural. She asked out loud how she looks and of course both of them told her that she's beautiful in the photos.

After a little bit of discussion they decided to show Lily the photos to see if she can see herself and make the necessary adjustments. When she looked at the photos, they each pointed out what they wanted to improve about themselves for the next shot and asked Lily what she thought. Instead of seeing herself and her flawed smile, Lily pointed out that Cam needed some powder.

The family took more photos with little improvement and finally, Lily asked why they had to keep retaking the shot. Left with no choice, Cam and Mitch told her gently that her smile was great in person but it's not the same on the photos. Lily freaked out and started shouting that she's a monster and she will never leave her room.

Mitch called Claire for advice and she told him that they had the same problem with her youngest child, Luke. She said that they just let it go and he eventually learned to improve his smile over the years. It left them with a bunch of awkward photos, but in the end, it all worked out and his confidence was not damaged.

In the end, Mitch and Cam decided to ease up on Lily and they went ahead to frame one of the shots that they had taken. They showed it to her and told her that they were just not used to her smile and now they love it. She seemed satisfied with it despite her weird smile. Everything seemed alright until Cam made a joke and Lily let out a weird laugh! The two looked at each other in surprise and realised that the smile was only just the beginning.

Meanwhile, Jay and Gloria had some issues deciding what kind of gifts they should give each other for their anniversary. The Dunphys have gone on a road trip to Caltech for Alex and her college tour and Claire is desperately trying to make her choose the school that's only 45 minutes away from home.