ABC's 'Modern Family' Cast And Crew
The cast and crew of ABC's "Modern Family" pose on the red carpet of the 2014 EMMY Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. Reuters/Mike Blake

In this week's episode of "Modern Family," Mitch Pritchett and Cam Tucker are faced with a dilemma concerning their daughter Lily. They believe that her second grade teacher is stressing her out and they need to move her to a different class.

Lily came home from a birthday party with Cam and immediately declared that she is going into her room to do her homework and she doesn't want to be disturbed. Mitch complained that his teacher is giving her too much work even on weekends and Cam agreed.

Lily is in Mrs. Plank's class who Cam secretly calls Mrs. Crank. They both think that she's too strict and cranky and she's causing Lily to be stressed out. They decided that it' the last straw when Lily found a mistake in her homework and she ripped it up instead of letting a small mistake go saying that Mrs. Plank doesn't tolerate mistakes.

Mitch and Cam went to see Ms. Plank to ask permission to transfer Lily because Cam learned that there's an opening in another second grade class under another teacher, Ms. Sparrow. Mrs. Plank immediately knew what they were up to and even though parents are not allowed to choose their kid's teacher, she agreed to let Lily go after Mitch and Cam told her that they don't believe Lily is thriving under her supervision. She lets on that their decision will cause Lily to fall behind but the two are adamant and insist that she will thrive in a more supportive and laid back environment.

When Mitch and Cam told Lily what they thought was good news, she had a violent reaction and told them that she wanted to stay in Mrs. Plank's class. The parents are dumbfounded until Lily explained. She showed how the other girls her age who are under Ms. Sparrow have not learned very much and are more concerned about playing.

Lily demonstrated by asking her friend what 2+7 is and her friend says 27. Mitch and Cam realised their mistake and they rush to repair the damage. They went back to see Mrs. Plank to beg her to take Lily back saying that Lily really wanted to stay in her class. She eventually agreed but only after she made Mitch and Cam cringe and admit that they were wrong about her. All's well in the end and Lily is back in the right class no thanks to her parents' meddling.