ABC's 'Modern Family' Cast And Crew
The cast and crew of ABC's "Modern Family" pose on the red carpet of the 2014 EMMY Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. Reuters/Mike Blake

In this week's episode of "Modern Family," the newlywed couple Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker were still dealing with the challenges of a married life. Their appreciation for each other's careers and passions were put to the test when a famous reporter came into their life.

Mitch and Cam encountered popular journalist Anne Gibbs while attending a party, and they immediately took the opportunity to introduce themselves. The couple were big fans of the reporter from Channel 12 News, and they expressed their admiration upon meeting her. While introducing themselves, Mitch went ahead and told Gibbs that the latest case that he is working on would probably be of interest to her based on her previous stories. He started telling her about the case he's dealing with involving homeless workers and the atrocious pay and working conditions that a certain company is giving them.

While discussing the case, they casually dropped the information that Cam is a high school football coach. This detail caught Gibbs' attention, and she started asking Cam about being an openly gay football coach. Soon, the reporter was just focusing on Cam's story and disregarded Mitchell's. Cam later informed Mitch that Gibbs had asked him if she and her crew could follow him around and make a feature story on him culminating at the homecoming game. Mitch reluctantly agreed even though he felt bad that his story was overlooked.

As part of the feature, Cam asked Mitch to help him put up a pancake breakfast for the team before the game. Mitch didn't want to but Cam begged for his support and he gave in. At the breakfast, Cam was too busy projecting for the camera that he left Mitch to do the actual cooking. Mitch became frustrated and told Cam that he isn't happy with the way he's being treated. He said that things are always about Cam and that Cam has failed to appreciate him and what he does. He proved his point when Cam didn't even know a thing about the case that he's been talking about for the past three weeks.

Cam felt guilty after Mitch walked out and resolved to learn more about what his husband does. He went to the courtroom to observe Mitch in action and was very impressed. He realised the value of what Mitch is doing and how little attention he had been giving it.

Later in the day, Cam was back in school for the big game, which their team won. It was the perfect ending to the feature showing how an openly gay football coach can break down barriers and overcome stereotypes. During the interview, Cam decided to shift the focus away from himself and instead, he credited all his success to Mitch and talked about the case that he's working on. The couple then reconciled and Mitch finally got his story voiced out to the public like he wanted in the first place.