Sarah Hyland, From ABCs 'Modern Family,' Poses Backstage.
Sarah Hyland, from ABCs "Modern Family," poses backstage at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. Reuters

Season 6 of ABC's award-winning comedy series "Modern Family" sees the return of guest star Adam Devine as Andy the "many" or man nanny. Andy comes back to work for the Delgado-Pritchetts, and after an awkward parting from last season, Haley Dunphy is keen to make amends.

Andy was last seen in the season finale of season 5 during Mitch and Cam's wedding. He had been on his way out of town to visit his ex-girlfriend who had been stringing him along for a long time. Haley developed a soft spot for him because of his sensitivity and kindness and started to cosy up to him. She also offered him some advice and pushed him not to go after the girl who just kept hurting him. Andy eventually felt that Haley was dropping other signals and decided to try to go for it.

Meanwhile, Haley had been advised by her sister Alex not to lead him on if she was not really interested. Alex told her that nice people like that deserved better. Haley felt bad for flirting with Andy and when he called her to ask if she meant anything by her recent actions, she shut him down thinking it's the right thing to do.

Now that Andy is back, Haley decided that it's time to get back to normal and clear the air with him. She felt that it got weird between them since the wedding but through the prodding of her sister Alex, she eventually worked up the courage to talk to Andy. Once she did, she got a bit shocked by his reaction.

At first everything went according to plan as both of them agreed that they should put the past behind them. They both laughed about the previously awkward situation and said that it was a good thing that they didn't go ahead with it because they are better off as friends. Everything seemed to have been going smoothly until Andy dropped a line that didn't go off too well with Haley. He said that if they had kissed, then Haley would have been crushed.

Haley, used to being the hot girl that's always being pursued, was offended by his remark. She said that she is the one with three stalkers and guys don't get over her, not the other way around. She pointed out that he was the one with the girlfriend that kept breaking up with him. He reasoned that it's exactly the point, he's like a drug that she keeps coming back to after their breakups.

Andy eventually said that he agreed that Haley is out of his league and she would have rocked his world if they had kissed but then he ended it by saying that he still thinks she would have been more badly affected than he would have been. Haley felt challenged and decided to go ahead and kiss him. To Haley's immense disappointment and surprise, Andy acted nonchalant about it and went along with his business like nothing happened. More from these two are expected to happen throughout the rest of the season. Now only three episodes deep, season 6 of "Modern Family" will be gunning for it's 6th consecutive Emmy Award for "Best Comedy Series" next year.