Sarah Hyland, From ABCs 'Modern Family,' Poses Backstage.
Sarah Hyland, from ABCs "Modern Family," poses backstage at the 66th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, California August 25, 2014. Reuters

In this week's rebroadcast episode of "Modern Family, " the cast will be able to make something interesting and challenging out of simple everyday affairs like a nice dinner. The episode is aptly titled "Three Dinners" and tackles various issues that all started and were resolved over an evening meal.

Married couple Phil and Claire Dunphy sit down with their daughter Haley over dinner to discuss her future. Haley has graduated high school and is attending community college. She has become a cause of concern for Claire who is afraid of how she will turn out. Phil has also previously made hints about her ending up just living in her parents' basement.

Phil and Claire decided to take her out to dinner and have a few drinks with her in the hopes of pushing her in the right direction. As they were discussing more about her future, Haley noticed what her parents were trying to do and told them about the blog that she started and how many followers she already had. She also told them about how she plans to turn it into a real business someday. She then turned the tables on them by asking them what their plans for the future were once their kids grew up and they realised they didn't have everything all figured out for themselves either.

Out on another dinner table, Jay Pritchett is having a small reunion with his bestfriend Shorty and his wife Darlene. Things get interesting when the visiting couple deliver some news that doesn't please Jay. Shorty has decided to move to Costa Rica and Jay kept sayng negative things. He kept shutitng down Shorty and Darlenes' idea and they ended up walking out.

Gloria spoke to Jay and told him that he's probably just afraid of losing his best friend, and his way of dealing with his emotions just ended up making things worse. Jay then decided to have a word with Shorty and the two ended up hugging it out and crying like little girls.

Over at Mitchell Pritchett and Cameron Tucker's table, they are trying to have a nice romantic dinner date. They decided not to talk about the wedding though, nor about their daughter Lily who has taken over their lives. The dinner became awkward and full of uneasy silent moments, but the couple on the next table made things more interesting. It turned out that they had a lot in common with Mitch and Cam and the four of them started chatting. Later on, the guy asked Mitch and Cam to give them some privacy so that he could propose. The whole thing turned into a disaster when the woman said no on account of not wantig to end up like Mitch and Cam who didn't seem to have anything to talk about with each ther.