They hype around Google Nexus 7.2 continues to increase as more information and photos of the device surface. The latest leak shows a full view of the Android 4.3 home screen of the second generation Nexus.

The ASUS-Google collaboration has proven successful on the first try and now the two tech giants are gearing up for another major launch. Many critics and analysts agree that the first Nexus can be considered as the best tablet on the market today.

The first generation Nexus 7 offered people an incredible OS experience without third party problems. There were also no carrier bloats often found on competing products. The latest information leak on the Google Nexus 7 reveals a full view of the device's home screen.

Running on Android 4.3, consumers can see what the home screen will look like for the tablet. The featured wallpaper seems to be the stock background for the device. The information leak came from Android Police.

Expected release of the next Google Nexus 7 is on July 24.

Other reported specs include a 1.5GHz quad-core processor, 1920x1200 display, 1.2MP front camera, 5MP rear camera, stereo speaks and notification LED. See pictures for the latest photo of the device.