Disney movie "Frozen," which hits theatres Wednesday, is a thorough fairy tale with two princesses, a sweet stout snowman and a faithful and an adventurous reindeer. Critics are calling it the best Disney movie since "The Lion King." The magical movie tells the tale of two sister princesses who live happily in the Scandinavian kingdom of Arendelle.

The tragedy strikes when their parents die in an accident and the story starts to unfold into a series of incidents which tests their love as sisters and individually as lovers. Princess Anna (voiced by Kristen Bell as an adult) and Princess Elsa (Idina Menzel as an adult) project the image of strong sisterly love.

Elsa has magical powers and uses it for creating artificial snow in the castle for their playing but in process she nearly kills her sister Anna with the chilly snow. This has a huge impact on Elsa's mind and she locks herself in the castle bedroom to punish herself. Magic erases the memory of Anna's incident where she is nearly frozen to death but Elsa never forgives herself for putting her sister through the pain. She refuses to come out and play with Anna as she use to do before and in doing so, she hurts her sister's emotions. Anna waits for Elsa to come out and play with her like happier times and misses their strong sisterly bond.

The emotional number, "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" sums up the story of their lives as they transform into adults, with Elsa soon going to be crowned as a queen. The people of Arendelle come together to celebrate coronation ceremony of Elsa. Anna, unaware of her sister's punishment, still tries hard to win her heart but fails repeatedly. Unable to make Anna happy, Elsa loses all her magical powers and accidentally turns the entire castle and kingdom into a frozen barren land with no life.

"Frozen" then tells the story about how the two princesses will bring the kingdom back to life. The story of the movie is inspired by "The Snow Queen" by Hans Christian Andersen and is a must watch if you like emotional and heart wrenching fairy tales with lots of human element topped up with one of its kind animation.
Disney's Frozen Official Trailer


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