The outpouring of support for Diem Brown, after it was revealed that she has been diagnosed with colon cancer, has reportedly overwhelmed her. In the past, the MTV actress fought ovarian cancer twice. The actress said that even though she managed to survive ovarian cancer twice, being diagnosed with colon cancer scared her more. And that is why, the support of people makes her feel stronger to fight back.

People Magazine reported on Monday that while shooting for a new reality show abroad, the 32-year old actress collapsed and was airlifted to New York for an immediate operation. According to Diem's sister, Megan Brown, a new tumor was discovered that was blocking her colon and surgery was necessary to remove it. After the tumor was removed, more tumors were discovered inside.

Diem said that even though she braved through cancers since she was young, being diagnosed with a new one is not less scary. The only thing that helps maintain her spirits is the support of her fans.

"I can't lie. I do feel weak and overwhelmed, but the support I've received has honestly touched my heart in a way I'll never be able to describe," shared the actress to US magazine. "I thought people would be sick of hearing about the 'MTV cancer girl'."

"Honestly, this time around has trumped the past diagnoses in terms of fear and hopelessness," she said to US magazine. "But the outpouring of support has been my strength and my crutch when it's hard to find the silver lining."

According to the actress, who did not share details about her new cancer, she has already underwent two surgeries to remove the tumors found in her colon and she is yet to undergo five rounds of chemo to reduce the size of her stomach tumors. These chemos are necessary for the doctors to carry out a treatment called HIPEC, or hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This treatment is a chance for her to be finally "done and free from cancer once and for all."

The actress admits that HIPEC scares her but she's willing to take the chance. Those who want to help the actress can go to the donation page on MedGift that Diem's family has set up.