National Australia Bank (ASX: NAB) has pledged $150,000 to the Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal to assist Victorians affected by the floods.

General Manager, Community & Corporate Responsibility, Tim O'Leary said that the bank was committed to providing support to customers and employees who have been impacted by the floods in Victoria.

The bank said it will also be extending its current package of relief measures to those impacted by the flooding in Victoria including suspending home loan repayments, waiving fees and costs for withdrawing term deposits early and waiving home loan and personal loan application fees.

The package also covers providing existing customers with access to low 'honeymoon' home loan rates, waiving the application fee to change to another loan at expiry, ad waiving the establishment fee for restructuring business loans. It will also provide credit card and personal loan relief where appropriate and support to restructure other existing bank facilities.

"National Australia Bank reminds all its customers affected by flooding, whether it be in Queensland or Victoria, that the phone lines are open to offer financial support now and when the waters subside" said Mr O'Leary.

Anyone wishing to donate to the Red Cross Victorian Floods Appeal can do so at any NAB branch, the bank said.