ESPN NBA analyst Bill Simmons really believed NBA players are also using performance enhancing drugs to perform at a high level, though the NBA front office is just too 'naïve' to investigate it.

Simmons said during a podcast recorded on Monday that the NBA appears to be ignoring the lessons of steroids and PED problems being dealt with by the MLB over the last two decades, as he believed there are NBA players taking PED without being punished

"The retroactive thing is really funny to me," said Simmons on his podcast via Real GM. "It does seem like there is this weird residual guilt, especially with the writers: 'We didn't know. I should have known. How did we not know?'

"Why aren't we asking that now with the other sports? What about basketball? Go on YouTube and watch a basketball game from 1977 and see what the guys look like. You really think there are no PED guys in the NBA right now? You've got to be kidding me.

Simmons, who has been known as a die-hard Celtics fan and flamboyant columnist for Grantland, said the NBA must do everything to avert the crisis baseball has encountered during the PED era in the late 90s.

"It's just funny to me. If we end up repeating this whole cycle with the NBA. Everybody is going to be like, 'How did we not know?' It's the same thing we were going through with baseball in the late nineties."

Last year, Hedo Turkoglu was slapped with a 25-game ban for testing for banned substance while playing for the Orlando Magic.