Bosh contemplates on the future of the Big Three.
Miami Heat players (L-R) Shane Battier, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade and LeBron James sit on the bench in the final minutes of their loss to the San Antonio Spurs in Game 5 of their NBA Finals basketball series in San Antonio, Texas, June 15, 2014. REUTERS

It was fun while it lasted, it may be time to look ahead.

Chris Bosh was standing near the bus ramp and awaiting teammates and the coaching staff to depart to the airport and on to the offseason. For two consecutive years they went into an offseason that was preceded by a big parade. This year, it will be a million questions, thousands of scenarios and a lot of what-ifs.

The Miami Heat's two-year reign as NBA Champions is over. They were dominated in five games by the veteran-laden San Antonio Spurs, who avenged a Game 6 collapse during the 2013 NBA Finals. The defeat so decided that the Spurs poured lopsided victories in the last three games.

The image of Bosh waiting and looking on is most telling but he sounds off that he almost felt relieved the season is over.

"I don't think anybody really enjoyed this season like in years past," Bosh told The Associated Press. "There was no, like, genuine joy all the time. It seemed like work. It was a job the whole year. Winning was just a relief. Losing was a cloud over us sometimes, and then we'd break out of it -- and then go right back. But we got here. We had a chance. They were just better." reports that while the disappointment is clear in his words, he still wants the team to stay intact, particularly the Big Three. With personal and financial choices looming on the horizon, the Center-Forward is staying positive on their chances to stay together and compete some more in the upcoming season.

"We want to stay together, man," Bosh said. "I'll say that. It's a great organization, great team and great city. And to have a chance, that's all you can ask for."

On the other hand, the Miami Heat's MVP and main engine has been mum on his plans this summer. LeBron James can opt out of the final year of his contract and again become a free agent if he decides to bring his talent elsewhere. Dwayne Wade, whose skills have clearly been diminished in the past seasons, has often insisted of his desire for the team to remain with the Heat. All that can change if all three decide to forego their player options an become free agents, which may just be to the Heat organization's liking.

If the Big Three use their opt out, Pat Riley and his think tanks may find a way to entice yet again the Big Three to sign smaller deals that can create flexibility and add other bankable and reliable players, say Carmelo Anthony.

"The whole league continues to get better every single year," James said. "Obviously we would need to get better from every facet, every position. It's just how the league works."

While James poured his everything in Game Five registering numbers of 31 points and 10 rebounds, skeptics are fueling fire that it may be his last game wearing the heat jersey.

"I will deal with my summer when I get to that point," James said. "Me and my team will sit down and deal with it. I love Miami. My family loves it. But obviously right now that's not even what I'm thinking about. You guys are trying to find answers. I'm not going to give you one."

While the media is continuously guessing on the fate of the Big Three, the San Antonio Spurs think otherwise, and believe the trio will stick together.

"They're a class act, and they'll be back next year for sure," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said. "I don't think anybody would really doubt that."

Bosh can only hope that the observation of coach Pop holds true.

"I see why people were saying three-peating is hard. I get it now," Bosh said. "I get it. There's just so many other things you have to fight. The human psyche, the human condition. We're all human. And it was a long, tough season."