Tracy McGrady, who recently retired from the NBA, said he actually considered using performance enhancing drugs to rejuvenate his career at the time injuries hampered his play on the court.

McGrady, multiple time All-Star and scoring champion, admitted he once thought performance enhancing drug was the only solution to his declining NBA career.

"I actually considered getting an advantage and whatever that was, doing it illegally, I considered that," said McGrady about using performance enhancing drugs, according to Real GM.

McGrady added that surgeries on his knee greatly affected his mobility and explosiveness, limiting his production on the floor.

"I didn't believe I was going to get there naturally," said McGrady about returning to his pre-injury form.

However, McGrady decided not to make the same mistakes fellow athletes made in their careers. He added the side effect of PED also contributed to his stance against doping or steroid.

"I never crossed that line because I read up on it and seen the side effects that could happen," he added.