NBA: Los Angeles Lakers at Minnesota Timberwolves
NBA: Los Angeles Lakers at Minnesota Timberwolves Reuters

The Golden State Warriors are still enamored with the prospect of pairing up Stephen Curry with Kevin Love but no deal was made during the 2014 NBA Draft night, according to sources close to the negotiations. reports that after chatter that talks have died down from both camps, the teams resumed their dialogue on the deal that would send Love to the Bay area but both sides have not yet agreed on the details particularly on the inclusion of Klay Thompson. Sources reveal that consultant Jerry West as well as coach Steve Kerr voiced their displeasure of surrendering Thompson as well as David Lee and a draft pick.

Apart from management, several players such as Andre Iguodala have already weighed in on the talks, also believing that the other half of the Splash Brothers should not be included in the deal.

"That's not going to happen," Iguodala said on Sirius XM on Thursday. "I want to clear that up right now. We should not trade Klay Thompson. "I tell Klay this every day. I text Klay and say, 'Don't worry. I'm your man. I'm going to make sure you get paid. I'm going to get you the max (contract). You'll be taken care of. Don't stress."

Several other teams are also in the mix in the Love sweepstakes such as the Denver Nuggets, the Chicago Bulls, Boston Celtics and the Phoenix Suns but no other team has created greater interest and chatter than the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors are hoping that by pairing up Love and Curry, they can get the attention of LeBron James to include the organization in his next decision.

While many were looking into several potentials deals to happen on draft day, the seemingly growing pattern of non-movers during the selection again manifested in this year. No big names were swapped in the draft day with a few exchanges of picks and cash considerations.

With the talks seemingly slowing down, the Warriors and Timberwolves are expected to go again in the next few days especially come July 1st when free agents are expected to be approached and wooed by several teams. Any deal that will land the disgruntled Love in the next few days would certainly include the chatter on the Golden State Warriors who appear to be the most serious of the pack to land the sweet shooting forward.