As another day comes, another George Zimmerman rumour takes the spotlight.

Just few days after the fake news of his alleged shooting became viral in the Internet, the controversial Florida man was once again the subject of debates on several social media platforms this weekend.

Once again, he was a victim of internet prank, but this time, it involved another celebrity that was also associated with firearm once upon a time. His name is Gilbert Arenas.

Empire Sports, the same Web site that reported the fabricated news about Blake Griffin punching Justin Bieber at the Los Angeles Starbucks, made a fool of some Internet users after its latest fake report about an altercation between Zimmerman and Arenas went viral.

The made-up story has already generated over 300,000 views since it was posted on March 11. It also sparked several debates on Twitter and Facebook over the validity of the report.

Here's an excerpt of the report:

Former NBA star Gilbert Arenas was arrested Monday afternoon after a brief altercation with George Zimmerman as he attended a signing at a gun show in Orlando, Florida.

"According to Lt. Juan Holysz of the Orlando Police Department, police were called to respond to an altercation at a restaurant on East Colonial Dr in Orlando. When they arrived at the scene Arenas had already been escorted outside by management.

Restaurant employee, Erica Goldsmith, reported that Arenas had approached Zimmerman as he was eating lunch and began a verbal confrontation which ended with threats of physical violence.

"Zimmerman was at a table near the back of the restaurant when I saw a large black guy approach him," said Goldsmith. "That's when I thought, 'a tall, black guy sneaking up on Zimmerman? This isn't going to end well," via Empire Sports.

Zimmerman, who was acquitted for fatally shooting Trayvon Martin in 2012, recently attended a gun show in Florida, where he had a chance to sign some autographs.

Last week, Zimmerman also made the headline following reports that he alleged shot himself while loading a gun. However, it was later found out the news was nothing but a hoax, as Zimmerman enjoying every bit of his freedom after dealing with a controversial legal battle for the past two years.

Meanwhile, Arenas has been out of the league for the last three seasons as no team seems interested in tapping his service. The 32-year old Arenas averaged 20.7 points, 5.3 assists and 3.9 rebounds per game over 11 seasons in the league. He was a three-time NBA All-Star and All-NBA member and once named the Most Improved Player of the Year in 2003.

He was suspended for most of the 2009-10 season after carrying a gun at Verizon Center, which is a violation of the strict NBA rules on gun-brandishing and the D.C ordinances as well.