‘Neighbours' spoilers for July 5: Piper wants to go all the way with Tyler; Sonya fails to win over Toadie

Love is in the air at Ramsay Street, as the upcoming episode of “Neighbours” is peppered with budding relationships and rekindled romances. On Tuesday, Piper Willis (Mavournee Hazel) defies the odds and continues to pursue a secret affair with Tyler Brennan (Travis Burns). Things are about to get more exciting between the two, but fans wonder how long it would be before they get caught out.
Other “Neighbours” cast members who will also appear on the July 5 episode include Terese Willis (Rebekah Elmaloglou), Brad Willis (Kip Gamblin), Jarrod “Toadie” Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney), Sonya Rebecchi (Eve Morey), Father Jack Callahan (Andrew Morley), Paige Smith (Olympia Valance), Ben Ian Kirk (Felix Mallard), Xanthe Canning (Lilly Van Der Mer), Madison Robinson (Sarah Ellen), Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis), Stephanie Scully (Carla Bonner), Mark Brennan (Scott McGregor), Amy Williams (Zoe Cramond), Gary Canning (Damien Richardson), Sheila Canning (Colette Mann), Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson), Tom Quill (Kane Felsinger), Susan Kennedy (Jackie Woodburne), Karl Kennedy (Alan Fletcher), Lauren Turner (Kate Kendall) and Jimmy Williams (Darcy Tadich).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Neighbours" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Channel Eleven posted a sneak peek of Tuesday’s episode. The trailer centres on the various types of romantic relationships at Ramsay Street, particularly of Piper and Tyler, Paige and Jack, as well as Sonya and Toadie. Digital Spy reports that despite her mother’s disapproval, Piper goes ahead and goes to a secret rendezvous with Tyler. He’s still hesitant about not being completely transparent about them, but when Piper shared with him her plans to take their relationship to a whole new level on the school dance, he is unable to resist Piper.
Meanwhile, Sonya and Toadie attempt to ward off the tension between them as a result of the bone marrow transplant fiasco. They decide to let Steph take care of Nell for one night so they can have a romantic evening all by themselves. However, it doesn’t go as planned as Toadie brushes off Sonya’s efforts to seduce him.
“Neighbours” recap
On Monday, Madison opened the episode as she excitedly read her first article. Amy was there to cheer her on. However, Madison was shocked when she saw Paul’s version. “This isn’t my work,” she claimed. Brad was aghast with his negative profile, and Piper wondered why Madison would write it. Sheila was also taken aback with what was written about her, as well as Mark and Terese. Articles about Toadie, Piper and Steph, however, were retained on a positive note.
Despite the inflammatory article, Madison’s editor praised her work but advised her to run it by her first before it goes to publication. Madison also discovered that it wasn’t her editor who made the changes to her article. Upon thinking about it, Amy concluded that it’s Paul who revised Madison’s story to get back at those who did him wrong. Those whose profiles are glowing, on the other hand, are the people who stood by him during the entire ordeal. Madison could not believe Paul would do something like that and jeopardise her job, but Amy gave her a reality check – he’s selfish and that’s how he operates no matter who gets hurt in the way. Madison confronted Paul about the article and he tried to dodge it at first, but shortly after admitted it. He defended that what he wrote were truths. Madison said he hurt her by his actions.
At the hotel, Mark confronted Paul about the article. Terese then arrived and double-teamed him. Both lashed at Paul for feeding Madison wrong information about them, but Paul insisted everything is in public record. He said neither of them were falsely accused or wrongly imprisoned, which really were the things that could destroy someone’s life. He kicked them out.
Later, Steph went up to Paul to discuss Madison’s article. The two argued about Mark. Paul made Steph think about her priorities in continuing a relationship about someone she has known only for months. When Steph talked to Mark about Paul, she said that Paul has a point: she put her interest first, not what’s best for Charlie. However, she also realised that Mark’s the kind of person she wants to be around her son, and that she won’t let Paul get in the way of her relationship with Mark.
Tyler urged Piper to talk to her parents about them, but she said she just couldn’t find the right timing with Terese getting back in her old job and Brad being attacked in the paper. She promised to talk to them that day. Later, Piper went to Terese to discuss about Piper’s mystery man. Terese appreciated that the guy wanted Piper’s parents to be okay about them before they go any further. However, when Piper mentioned it’s Tyler, Terese didn’t approve mainly because of his age. Piper appealed her case, but Terese was adamant, saying, “You’re not dating Tyler. End of story.”
When Piper talked to Brad, he was a bit more open about the possibility of her pursuing a relationship with Tyler. Piper lied and said she hasn’t talked to her mum yet, and Brad said he’ll agree but only if Terese is on board as well. Piper blurted out another lie, this time to her mum, and said that Brad’s totally okay with her going out with Tyler. However, Piper did admit about Brad’s condition. Terese got mad about the fact that Piper still went to seek Brad’s permission when she already said no. Piper begged her mother to let her see Tyler but Terese stood her ground.
Later, Piper told Tyler that Brad’s on board and they can see each other. She said that she still has to talk with Terese – she’ll just wait for the right time. Piper said that since Brad’s okay with it, they can start seeing each other. The two kissed.
Find out what happens next on “Neighbours,” which airs Monday to Friday at 6.30pm on Network Eleven in Australia. In the UK, “Neighbours” airs during weekdays on Channel 5.