‘Neighbours' spoilers for June 29: Amy gets blackmailed about her dark past; Father Jack returns to Erinsborough

Unwanted reconnections seem to be the central theme of “Neighbours” on its upcoming episode. On Wednesday, Amy Williams (Zoe Cramond) feels distraught when her past comes back to haunt her. She tried to bury her previous life and build a new one in Ramsay Street with her son. However, everything she worked for might come crumbling down when her old boss arrives to shake things up.
Meanwhile, Father Jack Callahan (Andrew Morley) is back in town and Paige Smith (Olympia Valance) is beside herself. Before he left, she told him that she’ll wait for him while he figure things out. It seems that he did – but his decision is not what Paige is hoping for.
Other “Neighbours” cast members who will also appear on the June 29 episode include Aaron Brennan (Matt Wilson), Jimmy Williams (Darcy Tadich), Stephanie Scully (Carla Bonner), Mark Brennan (Scott McGregor), Jarrod “Toadie” Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney), Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis), Terese Willis (Rebekah Elmaloglou), Brad Willis (Kip Gamblin), Tyler Brennan (Travis Burns), Piper Willis (Mavournee Hazel), Madison Robinson (Sarah Ellen), Gary Canning (Damien Richardson), Sheila Canning (Colette Mann), Ben Ian Kirk (Felix Mallard), Xanthe Canning (Lilly Van Der Mer), Lauren Turner (Kate Kendall), Sonya Rebecchi (Eve Morey), Susan Kennedy (Jackie Woodburne) and Karl Kennedy (Alan Fletcher).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Neighbours" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Channel Eleven posted a sneak peek of Wednesday’s episode. In the trailer, Amy is surprised to see again the man who called her Anika. She tells Steph that she’s never seen him before. Later, the guy tells Amy, “I’ve always looked out for you, didn’t I?” She orders him to leave her alone. Digital Spy reports that the man is Ryan, her old boss, who owns a seedy cleaning agency. She used to work for him and had to clean for their customers while wearing just lingerie. Ryan blackmails Amy – he’ll expose her secret if she doesn’t agree to his terms.
Meanwhile, Father Jack is back, and Paige wonders why he didn’t tell her he’s in town again. It looks like he makes time to talk to her, but he says something that Paige doesn’t want to hear. Lauren asks him, “Does that mean that you’ve made your decision?”
“Neighbours” recap
On Tuesday, Sarah confided in on Susan after Angus refused Sarah’s invitation to take him to Germany. Sarah said she wasn’t surprised with Angus’ choice, considering what Susan and Karl did for him. Susan advised her to give him some time to think over things first. Later, Susan asked Angus the real reason why he doesn’t want to go with his mum. It turned out that Angus feels guilty for causing Sarah’s illness and believed that he will just slow down his mum’s recovery. By staying with Susan and Karl, Angus said he’d be able to protect Sarah.
Susan informed Sarah about Angus’ concerns – that he was responsible for making her sick and that he’d just be keeping her from fully getting well. Karl urged Sarah to convince him otherwise. Sarah heeded Karl’s advice and had a long talk with her son. Fortunately, she was able to come through to him and Angus decided to go with Sarah.
At the café, Tyler met with Piper. She wanted to set things straight with him – she’s having a difficult time remaining friends with him because she likes him a lot. Tyler told her he likes her too, a lot. Piper said they should just forget about their age difference and do something about their feelings. At that point, Xanthe and Ben walked in. When the four hanged out, Tyler was reminded that he’s with a bunch of school kids – including Piper – and he decided to leave. Angus bid goodbye to Xanthe and Ben, and had an emotional final moment with Susan.
Piper followed him and Tyler admitted that he couldn’t keep up with their conversation. However, he agreed that he wanted to be with Piper, on the condition that they’d be upfront about their relationship. That meant no hiding and no sneaking around. Piper raised the issue that her parents might have a problem with them being together. However, Tyler said that if ever they jump into something more serious, they have to get her parents’ permission.
Later, Piper had a serious talk with Tyler. He reminded her they’d be facing a pretty difficult challenge ahead. She agreed, but said that once she gets her parents’ blessings, half of their battles are over. Both agreed that they are terrified facing Brad and Theresa, but Tyler said Piper is worth it.
Elsewhere, Amy, Madison and Jimmy were having fun together. However, things got awkward when Steph and Charlie arrived. Madison invited them to sit with them, but it was clear that there’s tension between Steph and Amy. Steph declined. When Amy settled the bill, Charlie came over to Madison and Jimmy. She asked the two what’s going on with their mums. The two boys said they played rough before and Steph and Amy got mad and decided to stop hanging out. Jimmy and Charlie asked Madison’s help to make their mums get in good terms again.
Madison was able to invite Steph and Charlie over to Amy’s house. The two boys had a good time playing, but it wasn’t the same with their mums. Steph and Amy felt like they were being set up. Madison tried to keep things perky and happy, but things were so awkward. When Steph couldn’t take it anymore, she made an excuse to leave, but Madison played the ex-boyfriend card and seemed desperate for some female company and advice. Steph and Amy immediately came to her rescue and tried to make her feel better. Comforting Madison proved to be a common ground between the two older ladies, and they even ended up complimenting each other. It looked like Madison succeeded with her mission – later at the kitchen, Steph and Amy apologised to each other and patched things up.
Later, Madison went with Steph and Amy for a girls’ night out. The two mums had a blast with karaoke on stage while Madison watched them with delight. When they got off the stage, Steph and Madison noticed that a man was checking Amy out. They left her alone and the man approached Amy. It seemed that he already knows her from somewhere. He asked, “How are you Anika?” Amy said he’s confusing her with someone else. The man left, but Amy was clearly rattled.
Find out what happens next on “Neighbours,” which airs Monday to Friday at 6.30pm on Network Eleven in Australia. In the UK, “Neighbours” airs during weekdays on Channel 5.