‘Neighbours' spoilers for May 26: Paige is heartbroken with the arrival of John’s girlfriend; Sonya’s misgivings about Walter grow
Kristy Best makes her debut as Mandy

Skepticism and veils of mystery loom over Ramsay Street, and a new face makes her way to the neighbourhood. On Thursday, “Neighbours” centres on Paige Smith (Olympia Valance), who seems to have fallen for John Doe (Andrew Morley). John’s amnesia has certainly made the two closer together. However, their budding romance gets cut short when a woman appears, introducing herself as Mandy (Kristy Best), John’s girlfriend. Meanwhile, Sonya Rebecchi (Eve Morey) decides to give her uncle Walter Mitchell (Greg Stone) an opportunity to reacquaint with each other, but a slip of the tongue raises her suspicions once again.
Other “Neighbours” cast members who will also appear on the May 26 episode include Nate Kinski (Meyne Wyatt), Jarrod “Toadie” Rebecchi (Ryan Moloney), Stephanie Scully (Carla Bonner), Mark Brennan (Scott McGregor), Paul Robinson (Stefan Dennis), Piper Willis (Mavournee Hazel), Tyler Brennan (Travis Burns), Brad Willis (Kap Gamblin), Terese Willis (Rebekah Elmaloglou), Ned Willis (Ben Hall), Lauren Turner (Kate Kendall), Sheila Canning (Colette Mann) , Amy Williams (Zoe Cramond), Xanthe Canning (Lilly Van Der Mer), Angus Beaumont (Jai Waetford), Susan Kennedy (Jackie Woodburne) and Karl Kennedy (Alan Fletcher).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Neighbours" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Channel Eleven posted a sneak peek for this Thursday’s episode, showing Mandy introducing herself to John. “It’s me, Mandy. Your girlfriend.” Paige is absolutely floored with this news. The three share a table at the café. Later, Mandy confronts John and wonders, “What’s going on between you and Paige?” Paige finds herself being eased out, when John asked her to leave him and Mandy alone just for a little bit. In the clip, Paige also witnesses John and Paige when they are about to kiss. Digital Spy reports that Paige becomes suspicious of Mandy when she can’t show any photo or message to prove that she’s John’s girlfriend. Paige tells John about her doubts, but he badly wants to have any link to his past that he brushes Paige off.
Digital Spy spoilers also indicate that Terese encourages Sonya to give Walter another chance, and Sonya agrees. Sonya talks to Walter about her parents but he mentions something that made Sonya suspicious of him again.
“Neighbours” recap
In the previous episode, Brodie was bent on clearing his name. He went to Piper and handed her his travel documents, proving that he wasn’t there when the explosion happened. Piper caught up with him right before he left, and she apologised for thinking the worst about him. Brodie told her that Tyler is seriously into her. “As long as he makes you happy, that’s all that matters,” Brodie said. Later, Piper and Tyler apologised to each other and settled their differences.
Meanwhile, Steph and Mark decided to spend some quality time with Charlie. They went to the park, where Steph and Charlie met Archie. The two competed with their remote-controlled cars. Meanwhile, Mark and Steph talked about having babies, catching her off-guard. Later, she confided with Toadie about the baby discussion, thinking that it’s too early in their relationship to talk about that. Toadie advised her to just be honest and talk with Mark about it, given that they both have their own baggage coming into the relationship. Steph went back to Mark and they discussed about babies. Mark said he doesn’t want to pressure her, but kids are definitely in his future. “Paige and I avoided this topic for a long time, and I don’t want to make the same mistake again,” Mark said. Things seemed to be okay again, until they heard and saw Charlie fighting with Archie. Charlie lashed at Steph for leaving him despite her promise, and said that Mark is not his parent.
Elsewhere, Paige and John consult Nate about the best cure for PTSD, since everything that she tried hasn’t worked. Nate suggested getting some exercise, and assuming that Paige and John were together, also recommended spooning. Paige and John set him straight and told Nate that they’re not a couple. Later, Paige and John went for a run together. Afterwards, at home, John said he wanted to try Nate’s other suggestion. They found it awkward at first, but John ended up with his head on Paige’s lap. She talked to him until he fell asleep on her lap. She caressed his hair and whispered, “I think I love you.” When John woke up, they went to the café and Nate said there was a girl looking for him. She had John’s photo and said she was his girlfriend.
Click here to watch some episode previews from the official site of “Neighbours.” Find out what happens next on “Neighbours,” which airs Monday to Thursday at 6.30pm on Network Eleven in Australia. In the UK, “Neighbours” airs during weekdays on Channel 5.