New Bluetooth-enabled pregnancy test shows results, guides women through the Android or iOS device
A unique pregnancy test product has just debuted at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) that happened in Las Vegas last week. What makes this test kit unique is its ability to connect through the woman's smartphone via a Bluetooth app.
The ‘pregnancy pro’ birth sticks launched by First Response use Bluetooth technology to transfer the test results to an Android or iOS device in an effective and clear manner. According to company representative Wendy Bishop, the new stick works on the same principle as that of a normal pregnancy test stick. But, it has the capability to sync with the phone.
“It syncs to an app on a woman’s phone to not only guide her through the test-taking process, but also provide her with tons of content and information immediately upon receiving her result,” said Bishop, reports CBS Local.
If the pregnancy test result is positive or a “yes,” then the app informs the person in question about her expected due date and a list of questions that she should ask her doctor. In addition, it gives an option to share the good news with her loved ones.
If the pregnancy test is negative and displays a “no,” she will be provided guidance on how to track her ovulation, in addition to a few tips on fertility and conception.
The Bluetooth Pregnancy Test takes three minutes to analyse the results based on the urine sample. Meanwhile, it shows informative videos to the user, reports The Independent. Based on how the woman is feeling, she can select “calm me” option to get a glimpse of soothing visuals, “entertain me” option for a distraction at that particular moment or the “educate me” option to read quick facts about pregnancy.
The pregnancy pro birth stick costs nearly $15 to $22 per test, which is quite expensive than traditional test kit used to check for pregnancy.