Taiwan has been hit with the latest food-adulteration scandal, after Yu Shen Chemical Co was found to be selling an emulsifier manufactured using a carcinogenic compound, Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, more commonly known as DEHP. DEHP, which can cause endocrine and hormonal dysfunction as well as cancer, was being used by the company in place of more expensive palm oil in the emulsifier.

The emulsifier itself has not been identified specifically, but is described by the China Post as a "clouding agent" used in sports drinks, fruit juices, jellies, yogurt drinks and yogurt tablets, some of which are sold under popular brands such as Dahu Strawberry Farm, Sunkist, Taiwan Yes.

The newspaper reported that the highest concentration of the toxic chemical could be enough to exceed the 'permissible amount' for a 60kg adult in as little as 500ml of contaminated product.