A fusion of the Galaxy S3, the Galaxy Note 2 and the Galaxy Note 8.0 - that's how the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S4 came out in a new image render.

Gotta Be Mobile commissioned artist Martin Hajek to envision what Samsung will uncover on March 14 and he cranked out a gorgeous concept that leaves no margin on the left and right portion of the device.

The design, GBM said, is keeping with what we know so far about the S4 - a 5-inch screen display, a 13MP sensor on its rear cam shooter and a plastic build that has been the mainstay of all Samsung Galaxy smartphones.

The edge-to-edge screen render keeps the S4 body from hulking too much while accommodating the screen upgrade from the S3. But the design author keeping a lid on body expansion, the new phone largely resembles the size of the Note 2.

It will be a big smartphone but not hulking and should be a delight to use not only as a communication tool but also an entertainment gadget.

The camera to come with the new Samsung flagship is on the high-end zone though the concept cannot present that much on the capabilities. Design-wise, the positioning, especially of the front cam, was decided to support maximum functionality and aesthetic.

"The front-facing camera and sensor are placed in a position where they will be able to provide support for users looking to take advantage of the Galaxy S4's smart features," the GBM report said.

And while there were talks that Samsung is revising its smartphone body production material, CNET reported that the company is sticking with plastic for now.

"Since we are shipping really large units, we always have to think how efficiently we can manage the manufacturability and also durability," the tech site reported a Samsung executive as saying.

But the same official insisted too that the Galaxy S4 represents a balance of manufacturability and build quality, adding that "we listen to the market and try to accommodate."

Along that line, the GBM concept adheres to a mostly plastic Galaxy S4 that may not feel as solid as aluminium and glass when handled but "provides more flexibility."

The design also carries on with the removable back cover, allowing S4 users to switch to an alternative that supports wireless charging in case the feature will skip out the new handset, GBM said.

More of the Galaxy S4 concept photos are viewable by heading out to this link: http://www.gottabemobile.com/2013/03/05/samsung-galaxy-s4-concept/.