‘New Girl’ season 6, episode 10 spoilers, recap: Robby gives Jess the perfect gift on ‘Christmas Eve Eve’

Reagan (Megan Fox) is back and joins Jess (Zooey Deschanel) and the gang for Christmas on “New Girl” season 6, episode 10 (New Girl 6x10).
Spoiler alert: This recap contains plot details about season 6 of “New Girl.” The sixth season premiered Sept. 20. The show is available in Australia via Tenplay.
Jess insists that everyone gives everyone presents for Christmas, but the rest of the gang are fed up of going through the annual holiday hassle looking for gifts. They come up with a compromise: Secret Santa. Jess picks Nick (Jake Johnson) and she gets him a pair of sunglasses, only to find out that Nick already bought himself the exact same pair.
Jess, running out of ideas, calls Reagan and convinces her to come over for Christmas. Nick is swamped at the bar because of the number of people that unexpectedly packed the place. Jess helps him out so he could finish his work early and go back to the apartment to find his present.
After finishing up his work, Nick decides to go to Seattle to visit Reagan, not knowing that she herself is on her way to come and see him. Jess desperately tries to stop him from going but Nick insists. Jess finally snaps and is forced to tell Nick that she’s his Secret Santa and that Reagan is coming over.
Winston (Lamorne Morris) picks Cece (Hannah Simone) and already has a gift for her. Problem is, he uses a different name for its delivery to the apartment and Schmidt (Max Greenfield) inadvertently refuses his wife’s own present when it arrives. They decide to go to a store hoping to replace the present, but Schmidt doesn’t like Winston’s gift for Cece when he finds out it’s a bean bag chair. Winston decides to give her one anyway and to Schmidt’s surprise, his wife loves it.
READ: ‘New Girl’ season 6, episode 9 spoilers, recap: Jess and Robby upstage one another on ‘Es Good’
Nick is Schmidt’s Secret Santa, and he gives him a pair of cashmere socks. Schmidt is delighted, especially to the thought of Nick mispronouncing “cashmere” when he bought the socks. Cece gives Winston a check made out to his phone company as a gift, but Schmidt also has a present for him, leaving nothing for Jess.
Jess admits that she may have forgotten to write her own name when they were picking out Secret Santas. Winston offers to Jess what Schmidt gave him, a hamster, but Jess is still clearly upset. Reagan then arrives dressed in a Santa Claus outfit.
Nick apologises to Jess and brings her hot cocoa. Jess notices that their pet cat is dressed as a reindeer and also sees the artificial snow outside her window. She heads outside to find Robby (Nelson Franklin) with a whole choir. The whole setup is Robby’s gift to Jess, which is a recreation of her childhood Christmas.