River Murray irrigators in South Australia will start the new fiscal year with an opening allocation for irrigation at 21 per cent today.

Irrigators will also gain access to the approved water volume carryover, when meter readings for the end-of-year are settled.

Paul Caica, Minister of River Murray, said the starting allocation was established on a worst case situation of South Australia getting a minimal inflow of 1384GL in 2010-11.

"This 21 per cent allocation is considerably higher than in the past three years when allocations have opened at 4 per cent, 2 per cent and 2 per cent respectively," Mr. Caica said.

"Having access to this higher opening allocation and all of their carryover water will enable irrigators to better plan their operations for the coming year."

Mr. Caica added that the allocations would increase in the next months.

"By the end of August, there is a 95 per cent chance that allocations will reach at least 25 per cent," he remarked.

The present volume in the Dartmouth and Hume reservoirs, Lake Victoria, and Menindee Lakes is at 42 per cent capacity, or 3957GL to be exact.

"Although this is higher than at the same time last year, which was 1513GL, it is well below the long-term average for this time of year, which stands at 6180GL," Mr Caica commented.

Irrigators will be informed about their approved volume for carryover when the data from meter readings at the end of this month are settled.