Vatican spokesman Fr Federico Lombardi hinted on Tuesday, the start of the conclave, that the papal election may not yield yet a winner. He told journalist to expect black smoke to emanate from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel by about 8 p.m.

While he did not elaborate on his hint, Vatican observers believe the lack of clear favourite papabili is the reason behind the higher chance of black smoke than white smoke coming from the chapel where the 115 cardinal electors are locked.

Days before the conclave, Italian Cardinal Angelo Scola emerged as the top candidate; however, the Vatileaks had created an anti-Curia and anti-Italian sentiment among the cardinals which resulted in the electors divided roughly into two groups. One is made up of the Romans and the other outsiders who are clamouring for more reforms.

The decline in Cardinal Scola's stock is reflected in Paddy Power bets where he has retained the top spot but his chances has been reduced from 2-1 to 9-4.

On the other hand, Brazilian Cardinal Odilo Scherer improved his chances and grabbed the second spot from early wagers' favourite, Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson. The former has a 4-1 chance while the latter has a 9-2 chance.

Even if Cardinal Scola would get the support of all the Italian and European cardinals, he would still not reach the mandated 77 votes to succeed Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI as the leader of the 1.2 billion Roman Catholic Church. Some cardinals from third world countries would need to support him also.

Scandals mark the conclave as observers believe the former pontiff resigned on Feb 28 because of the Vatileaks. On Tuesday, at the start of the conclave, media reports said the Vatican just purchased an apartment block which places cardinals and priests on the same neighbourhood as Europa Multitouch, the continent's biggest gay sauna.

The new pope would have to address these scandals, including the appointment of a new Vatican Bank president after the previous one was fired in 2012.

To ensure there would be no leaks, aside from the electors being made to place their hands on the Bible to swear to secrecy on the pain of excommunication, 90 Vatican employees such as cooks, drivers and security guards who will work around the conclave were required to make the same oath on Monday.

About 5,600 media men have been accredited to cover the conclave which appears to be one of the most anticipated events for 2013.

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