A new Queensland Reconstruction Authority has specifically been established to spearhead efforts to rebuild the state after the devastating floods.

The group will be chaired by Major General Mick Slater and will oversee the task of rebuilding and repairing infrastructure in more than 60 flood affected communities across Queensland. "These floods have been catastrophic and we have a post-war scale building task ahead of us. We need a dedicated body to prioritize that," said Premier Anna Bligh. "Our volunteers, SES workers, emergency services workers, police and defense force have done a phenomenal job of helping communities clean up."

The Premier said the Queensland Reconstruction Authority would be responsible for developing and implementing a statewide plan for rebuilding and reconnecting communities across the State. It will coordinate with local governments and communities to ensure that the unique characteristics of each community are considered during the rebuilding process.

She said: "It will also coordinate government and non government organizations to deliver the necessary services to assist individual communities in the rebuilding process."

More than 70 percent of Queensland has been affected by floods across many federal, state and local government areas of responsibility. Coordinator General Graham Newton had been appointed CEO of the Authority. She added: "Mr Newton brings with him a wealth of experience in planning and infrastructure and will be invaluable as we set about the task of rebuilding."

The Queensland Reconstruction Authority will be provided with all necessary powers to implement all recommendations of the Board.

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