New patent filings by Samsung pointed to the likelihood that phone camera to debut with the Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Note 3 is more advanced than expected - capable of 3D video recording and 'panoramic imaging', a new report said.

The fresh Samsung technologies, according to Patent Bolt, would enable future devices from the South Korean tech giant to capture moving and still images in 3D with enhanced quality.

The 3D camera feature is an "application software for smart phones; application software for tablet computers; digital cameras; USB flash drives; mobile telephones; portable media players; portable computers; rechargeable batteries; smart phones; tablet computers; wireless headsets; lenses for cameras," the report said.

On the other hand, the panoramic camera capability is "a panoramic imaging lens capable of suppressing stray rays causing flare or ghost phenomenon and improving image quality, and a panoramic imaging system using the panoramic imaging lens."

Note that the implementations stipulated on the two Samsung patents are wide-ranging, covering not only smartphones but also other mobile devices like tablet computers and digital cameras - products that are prominently included in Samsung's gadget lines.

While it is a possibility that these exciting cam features are lined up for Samsung's Galaxy smartphones, there is no assurance that they will be included with the Galaxy S4 launch this year, which is taking place in New York a few days from now.

However, the new Samsung flagship will not hit store shelves until early April so the chance is there that the tech titan will install the new chips at the last minute.

More likely though, it is the Galaxy Note 3 that will get to introduce the new features since the phablet is believed to start selling by Q3 2013, giving Samsung enough time to incorporate the cam muscles to the Note upgrades.

Samsung has been ramping up its efforts to deliver better camera technologies with its top-notch handsets, the latest of which is the reported eye-tracking feature that will be packed with the S4.

With the added function, S4 users will enjoy automatic scrolling of documents they read, aided mainly by the handset's front cam that will be tweaked to recognise eye movement.