Fox newest action drama series "Gang Related" recently premiered last Thursday, May 22 and it's a series endorsed by "Sons of Anarchy" showrunner Kurt Sutter. Completely in the opposite side of FX biker drama series, the new show features the members of the Los Angeles Police Department's elite Gang Task Force as they take three of the most dangerous gang areas.

The official synopsis of the show reads: "Detective Ryan Lopez (Ramon Rodriguez) is a rising star in Los Angeles' elite Gang Task Force. What the world doesn't know is that long before Ryan became a cop, he pledged allegiance to a different band of brothers - a powerful Latino gang called Los Angelicos. When Ryan's best friend and police partner is senselessly killed by a notorious gang member, Ryan teams up with longtime Task Force member Cassius Green (RZA), who has been at the forefront of the city's war on organized crime. In this war between law enforcement and gangs, the series explores how only people who really know the streets can win the battle on the streets."

Here are the five things you need to know about Fox's new series "Gang Related."

1. According to executive producer Chris Morgan he took the idea of the new cop drama after watching a footage of a police chase from a dash-cam video. The video features a man who took three police vehicles using an assault rifle and it was discovered that the suspect had been using military tactics. It appears that organized gangs send their people to the military to get trained and then have them return to the streets once they finished their trainings.

2. With a group of diverse writers working on the script, new fans of the show can expect that it will only get complex as the show goes on. "We put together this unique and interesting writing staff as well," says executive producer Scott Rosenbaum in an interview posted on "We wanted the actors not to feel like they were being written by people who didn't have any sense of the world."

3. Most of the actors from the cast can related to their characters. Jay Hernandez who plays Daniel in the series revealed that the show have a lot of parallels between his real experience and his character. Although he used to avoid these kinds of stereotype roles, Hernandez assured fans that he will keep his character honest and interesting.

4. When asked how to describe "Gang Related," Morgan replied that the show has some similarities with HBO's epic drama series "Game of Thrones." He pointed out that instead of fiefdoms in GOT the new series have territories, their own kingdom and rules.

5. After one episode of the show, the IGN verdict reads: "If you're looking for the next The Wire - a smart, realistic cop drama with big stakes and identifiable characters - Gang Related probably won't satisfy you. But if you're just looking for an adrenaline infused procedural with a hefty dose of The Departed, this might do the trick. The pilot is a far cry from a "must watch" but there's enough good about the episode to bring me back next time."