The Royals
IN PHOTO: From L to R, actors William Moseley, Elizabeth Hurley and Alexandra Park pose during a photocall for the television series "The Royals" during the annual MIPCOM television programme market in Cannes, October 13, 2014. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

The premiere episode of the brand new series “The Royals” aired last night on E. The first ever scripted series produced by E Entertainment Television Network is about a fictional British Royal Family living in modern day London. The first episode introduces the main characters and lays down the foundations for the rest of the season.

In the opening scenes of the show, Elizabeth Hurley establishes her role as Queen Helena. The family matriarch shows her strength and stern demeanour as she goes about her duties both to her country and to her family. Her children are then introduced and it is quickly seen how challenging her life is. Prince Liam hooks up with the daughter of the family’s head of security while his sister Princess Eleanor gets wasted at a party. She ends up getting her private parts photographed and splashed all over the tabloids.

The Queen is enraged by her children’s behaviour, but all of them are knocked to their senses when they receive news that Prince Robert, the eldest child and heir to the throne, has passed away suddenly. The only explanation given was that he met a military accident. Prince Liam immediately sobers up upon realising that he has suddenly become the heir to the throne. Meanwhile, Princess Eleanor is devastated and is worried about Liam as well.

In the middle of all this is King Simon. He is devastated by the loss of his son and decides to take drastic measures to save the rest of his family. He announces to everyone that he is making a move to ask the Parliament to abolish the Monarchy. He feels that the sense of entitlement is spoiling his children. At the same time, he blames Prince Robert’s death on the Royal tradition of joining the military.

The Queen, meanwhile, is concerned about putting on a brave face for the nation. Both her remaining children Liam and Eleanor take this against her and accuse her of thinking more about the family’s image than the loss of her son.

The Queen and Prince Liam also develop more friction when he decides to continue dating Ophelia, his casual hook-up. The Queen views this as fraternising with the help because she is an employee’s daughter. The King has a different view on the matter, however, as he encourages Liam to go where his heart takes him.

While all this is going on, the King’s brother is in the sidelines, secretly resenting the fact that his brother is King and not him. With the King making plans to abolish the Monarchy, the Duke shows his potential to become a villain later in the season. The Queen herself is opposed to the King’s idea. She gives him a recap of her week and points out all the major sour points. Her firstborn has died, her daughter’s private parts are on the tabloids and her husband is moving to abolish the only life she ever knew.

Meanwhile, Princess Eleanor gets herself into even more trouble when she ends up getting blackmailed by her new bodyguard. She took him out partying and while she thinks she’s giving him a baptism of fire to her crazy lifestyle, he takes a video of her in bed with him and threatens her with it. She is forced to let him keep his job to avoid the scandal.

In the first episode alone, the main characters were introduced and their stories laid out. Find out more when “The Royals” continues next Sunday at 10 p.m. on E right after “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”

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