New Words Added To Online Oxford Dictionaries Including Time-Poor, Listicle and Live-Tweet

Oxford Dictionaries has added new words to its online version including time-poor, listicle and live-tweet. Other unique terms have been added to it such as popular Internet slang binge-watch and "YOLO," which is also known as You Only Live Once. Read on to learn more about it.
According to Oxford Dictionaries' blog, the aforementioned words are part of the website's August 2014 update. Below is a list of the other new words included in the online version of Oxford Dictionaries.
1. acquihire
2. amazeballs
3. anti-vax
4. air punch
5. baller
6. bare
7. bedroom tax
8. brick
9. bro hug
10. catfish
11. clickbait
12. cord cutter
13. cotch
14. cray
15. doncha
16. dox
17. douchebaggery
18. e-cig
19. FML
20. fratty
21. hench
22. hexacopter
23. hot diggity
24. hot mess
25. hot mic
26. humblebrag
27. hyperconnected
29. in silico
30. mansplain
31. nailed on
32. neckbeard
33. olinguito
34. pharmacovigilance
35. pogonophobia
36. side boob
37. side-eye
38. SMH
39. spit take
40. subtweet
41. trackback
42. trigger warning
43. vape
44. vax
45. WDYT
46. zonkey
Click HERE to read the definition of the words listed above. Oxford Dictionaries said that the Oxford University Press uses language research programmes such as the Oxford Reading Programme and the Oxford English Corpus to track and get new words for its dictionaries. These words are sourced from the Web including popular fiction, song lyrics or scientific journals. If certain words are found to be used by a lot of people, it will be considered as a candidate to be added in the Oxford Dictionaries. Then, it will be judged whether or not it is important enough to be in the latest update and not just a fad.
Some of the new words added in the Oxford Dictionaries' online version have interesting stories behind it. According to another blog entry posted on its official website, the word "vape" came from the smokeless nicotine vapor that comes out of electronic cigarettes, or "e-cigarettes." On the other hand, the word "cotch," which means to "hang out" or "relax" came from the word "scotch" (to wedge someone or something somewhere). It was believed to be from Jamaican English which tended to drop the letter "s" at the start of its words.
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