It's a story that rom-coms are usually made of. A man from New Zealand is hoping to find the American girl who has captured his heart in Hong Kong on New Year's Eve of 2013. Reese McKee only knows that her name is Katie and that she told him to "Find me."

"Yeah, I'll find you," the 25-year-old Kiwi promised "Katie" before they parted ways.

And so his search for the mystery woman begins.

The Wellington native told the New Zealand Herald what prompted his search, saying he ran into Katie in Hong Kong after they got separated from their friends earlier in the night.

"I was just walking around and admiring the lights and found this girl just crying on the side of the road. I went and tried to help her out. She was lost. She'd lost all her friends. I just cheered her up. I sort of have this undeniably bad sense of humour that no one can resist laughing at."

The two lost souls ended up briefly together, drinking and just keeping each other company until she reunited with her friends at 6am. They never exchanged contact details, but it was Katie's parting words to him that encouraged him to pursue their friendship.

"Find me."

McKee told the paper that he spent weeks searching for her but it was futile as he had nothing to go on. With the anniversary of their meeting coming up, he decided to get the social media community involved.

There are a couple of things that he knows of her, though. First, her name is Katie ("Truth be told I'm not even sure how to spell it.") and that she came from "DC," which he is assuming that means Washington DC.

He created the Facebook page "A New Years Promise," hoping that it would help him find the enigmatic girl.

"I got the idea to use Facebook in June but the timing wasn't right. I think this time of year people have hope for the magic (of Christmas). If nothing else, it would just be great to get in touch with her and say 'thank you.' To say, 'Hi, how are you doing?'"

The Facebook community proved to be helpful, suggesting people with the same name close to the area. But so far, it seems like they haven't got the same Katie yet.

Although he is aware that he is being "foolishly optimistic," McKee said that he is also "a bit of realist" and wouldn't be surprised if Katie isn't single.

"Even if I could just find her and say thanks, because it's been a life-changing year and it all started that night, really."