A new case intended for use on Samsung's Galaxy S4 emerged anew, pointing to a new high-end Android phone that is smaller but boxier.

Reportedly provided by Chinese smartphone case maker MyLiving, the new S4 protector is the smallest to come out so far, suggesting that Samsung was able to shrink the device's overall footprint but not necessarily sacrificing on might.

The design, per reports by Gotta Be Mobile, was allegedly patterned on inside information obtained by the case manufacturer, which is based in Shenzhen where China's numerous mobile device manufacturing contractors are located.

Compared to the first batches of purported S4 cases that had leaked out earlier, the new accessory is more attuned to the Galaxy S pattern, picking up from where the Galaxy S3 has left, GBM said.

Noting that the S4 is likely flashing a wider 5-inch screen, MyLiving stretched the body's case horizontally and reduced its length, leaving an impression that the Samsung flagship gained some width in exchange for a shorter profile when compared to the S3.

It appears too that "the Samsung Galaxy S3 is taller than the Galaxy S4 cases," the same report said.

At the back, provisions for three holes can be seen, to accommodate the S4's camera, its LED flash and a speaker. Using the S3's main snapper as a reference, it is noticeable that Samsung slightly pushed down the S4 cam, GBM said.

Apart from these physical features, no other clues can be gleaned from the upcoming Galaxy S4, which experts expect to pack less of a footprint - thinner and lighter - but more power.

No confirmation yet but the new Samsung phone is widely expected to flex a 1.9Ghz Snapdragon 600 processing chip and a top-notch GPU to give life to its Full HD 1080p Super AMOLED display.

By the time it becomes available on early April, following the March 14 launch date to be staged by Samsung in New York, the S4 is said to retail only in two colours, in black and white, with three storage options - 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.