Finally Nexus 4 is back on Google Play store and blog reports have indicated that buyers in the United States, Canada and Germany can start placing orders. They only need to wait maximum of 14 days for the smartphone to arrive.

It is expected that other regions will follow shortly and maybe (just maybe) they'll be able to snap up too the white Nexus 4, an image of which was published by Phone Arena this. If indeed Google and LG will include the new colour for the succeeding Nexus 4 shipments, it'll be worth the wait for some.

With the selling resumption, it appears that the Nexus 4 woes are behind Google and LG now. In the past dew weeks, the two firms are pointing fingers on who should be blamed for the supply debacle that marked the smartphone debut late last year.

Following Nexus 4's commercial release in November 2012, supply of the smartphone easily dried up, which left many to wonder if the handset will ever be shipped out after the holidays have passed and no sign of movements from Google and LG.

The only clarification provided to the public was a clear indication that the two companies are at odds. Google came out first, saying that it encountered issues on the supply system of Nexus 4, hinting that it was LG's fault.

But the South Korean retaliated, suggesting that Google erred on its estimates, hence the serious miss on the number of units that should have been manufactured and shipped out during the holiday season.

However, it seems all is well now and it appears too that Nexus 4 fans are getting a bonus if LG and Google will actually issue the white version, which Phone Arena was originally meant for a December 2012 launch. That never materialised, of course.

Per Phone Arena too, the white Nexus 4 image it obtained was taken with the Optimus LG so there is a likelihood that this version actually exists and production could be underway. Should this assumption hold water, the white smartphone will likely hit Google Play soon enough.

Now the prospect of getting a different Nexus 4 colour, and white at that, should convince some buyers to hold off for awhile and wait out for the other variant to become available.

Of course, only the shell would differ as the Google smartphone will be same powerful handset that Android fans have come to adore: quad-core processing prowess, Full HD rendering on its 4.7-inch screen, 8GB or 16GB storage, starting price of $US299 (varying depending on specific markets) and the latest stock version of Android JellyBean 4.2.

But who knows, the white Nexus 4 may just come out packing Google's Key Lime Pie just so to immediately make a mark.