Reports of Nexus 5 arriving this year gained more traction as one Google official hinted that indeed the company has lined up handsets bearing the brand with 'insanely great' camera features.

It turned out that prior to that soft declaration, folks have been weaving their mock ups for the Nexus 4 replacement. One came from, showing a render of the Google device looking line a full-pledged phablet with a minimalist interface.

The device this time is manufactured by Japanese consumer electronics giant Sony using a quad-core CPU and tapping on a 2GB of RAM for zippy runs. The squared device has a 5-inch Full HD screen, doubling too as the viewfinder for a likely 16MP main cam shooter, which comes equipped with Sony's Exmor RS chip.

Over at PocketNow, the Nexus 5 is envisioned with higher storage capacity, which is one of the major features that Google has decided to regulate because the tech giant wants consumers to 'take advantage' of cloud computing.

But with LTE and 4G connections still inaccessible and expensive for many, capacious memory is realistic at the moment for Nexus devices, the same report said.

Google should also pay closer attention in improving the production quality and battery longevity of the Nexus 5, going steps further on its pledge to deliver better camera features for future versions of the smartphones.

Complaints of Nexus 4's glass screen and back cover easily breaking were aired weeks after owners started using the device should be a big lesson for Google, PocketNow said.

It is understandable that the search giant was originally gunning to put out a device that will encourage more activities benefiting Google services but the company should not forget that quality remains foremost.

And the focus on quality should include providing more juice for extended hours of operation in Nexus 5, one thing that is glaringly absent in Nexus 4, PocketNow added.

Right now, what will come out of all these Nexus 5 speculations remains iffy except that it will be powered by Key Lime Pie or Android 5.0. But one thing is sure, next time Google sells hardware it will make sure that consumers will actually get the device without having to go through circuitous process.

If Nexus 5 comes into fruition, it should be the hit gadget that Nexus 4 would have been, experts said.