Google has good things going for its Nexus gadget lines, which mostly led to stock outs since their debut, but glitches in the Android system appears to be hampering the products' total commercial breakout.

The Nexus 4 is a hit but Google seems to eternally grapple on meeting heavy demands for the product. And the problems do not disappear even after consumers successfully purchased any of the Nexus devices.

One glaring issue is the Android deployment in the Nexus 7 tablet, which is fraught with too many issues because the mobile platform "started as an immature mobile platform designed to handle smartphones," James Kendrick of ZDNet said in a report.

Mr Kendrick echoed experts' sentiments that Android remains an OS not fully-optimised for tablet use, which Google claims has been dealt with in the latest JellyBean version.

Initial use of the Nexus 7 proved that the internet giant was right but updates that were subsequently dispatched for the powerful but affordable tablet shattered previous efforts by Android engineers to make the platform behaving smoothly on slates.

Following installation of JellyBean patches, "scrolling is herky-jerky in all apps and for general system operation," Mr Kendrick complained.

"The biggest improvement in Android since its inception has been broken by Google," he concluded.

Apart from snags in the general performance of the Nexus 7, the last JellyBean update rendered the tablet reeling with more issues such as "experiencing multiple system reboots daily," ZDNet said.

"My experience with the Nexus 7 leads me to believe the platform has grown too complex for Google to maintain it properly," Mr Kendrick said.

He also voiced out long-running complaints from Android device owners that updates are either late or faulty or both, which experts said Google needs to rectify soon if it aims to keep its smartphone leadership and catch up with Apple on the tablet competition.

With great numbers of Android gadgets out there still running on earlier versions of the mobile OS, users resort to rooting and modifications in order to accommodate custom ROMs that emulate the latest Android editions.

Google's handling of the platform is at best, fragmented, according to tech experts.

This situation requires immediate and focused attention from the tech giant, Mr Kendrick said, adding that "Google needs to get control over the Android update situation."

"Updates should be easier for Google and partners to push out, and they should make things better rather than break things," which exactly was the case of what should have been an excellent tablet in Nexus 7, he added.