NFL news & update: Colin Kaepernick spares old suits for jobless parolees

For NFL fans, Colin Kaepernick will always be controversial in many ways. His protests have gotten the best of him, a reason which many believe is keeping him jobless in the pro football scene.
Only some will understand the causes that Kaepernick does. Each has their own views and Kaepernick obviously follows his own string of beliefs. Good or bad, the jobless quarterback does have his share of helping out people in need. Proof of that is the 29-year-old donating some of his old suits to parolees outside the New York City Parole Office.
Kaepernick helps parolees dress for work
The suits that Kaepernick is handing out are actually part of his "Know Your Rights Campaign." So from that initiative alone, expect both good and bad criticism to follow. While it would be hard to see the wrong in what the NFL player is doing, it is a move that should at least show that he means well.
According to an Instagram post, Kaepernick hopes to help parolees become better equipped to achieve gainful employment. As most know, the path of these people in getting new jobs would need all the help they can get. Properly dressed for interviews goes a long way and hopefully their ticket to change and live productive lives.
Where does his NFL career stand
That move by Kaepernick is commendable but he does have to face the reality of his career. He is still unsigned as of this writing though his chances could be better with the 2017 NFL Draft over and done with.
For most who are wondering why he is being left out, most believe it was Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest and that inadvertent take on the late Fidel Castro that have gotten teams thinking. There is also the question of his durability with Kaepernick hardly impressing when he regained his starting role for the 49ers last season.
Looking ahead, the best that Kaepernick can look forward to is a backup role according to Yahoo Sports. There are several teams who could gamble, including his former team. If so, the next agenda would be his salary. He did opt out of his deal with the hope of getting at least the same in the free agent market. Most believed otherwise though opting in would have resulted in a possible separation anyway.
Something could be up for Colin Kaepernick in the following weeks but his crusade for equality remains. The donation to parolees was a fine gesture though it may not be much help in assuring another NFL stint. A video of the “Know Your Rights Camp” of Kaepernick can be viewed below.