In Photo: Pregnant women attend a prenatal workshop at Lima's maternity hospital May 7, 2014. Peruvians will celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday. Picture taken May 7, 2014. REUTERS/Mariana Bazo

A charity in the UK has claimed that thousands of immigrant pregnant women in the country are risking their health by not seeking antenatal care because of the inbuilt fear of getting billed for thousands of pounds.

Added on to attribute the reason for deterring antenatal care to the pregnant immigrants to the allegedly “pressurised” NHS, which is enforcing immigration rules rather than providing care to the needy. The report by the Doctors of World UK has further revealed that if this continues, then this might further result in complications related to childbirth, which can be easily avoided if proper pre-birth care is made available.

The report also revealed how “health tourists” who travel to the UK to use the NHS are either being turned away by the general medical practitioners or are being asked to pay enormous amount as a part of medical expenses even in case of the death of the unborn child or infant, as the NHS was "asked to play the role of the UK Border Agency," quoted The Huffington Post.

The author of the Doctors of World UK report, Dr Clare Shortall, explained how women who have been in UK for the past four years are also getting impacted by the policy by being deprived of the health care facility.

"In no compassionate society would a health system bill a grieving woman for the loss of their child. Health trusts are increasingly being asked to play the role of the UK Border Agency and focus on checking documents rather than delivering care. This has to stop," said Shortall, reported The Huffington Post.

Health experts have warned that delays in providing antenatal care to these women might put a financial burden on the NHS at the later stage due to the potential complications that may emerge. On the other hand, midwives also raised their concerns, saying that they are being utilised as “border officials” who are responsible for determining who are eligible for health treatment and who are not.

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