Nickelodeon star Amanda Bynes might have schizophrenia, it has been revealed. The troubled star, who has been in and out of hospital for several months now, might have to go in for a close to a year hospital stay to get diagnosed accurately and treat her illness.

After a series of display of erratic behaviour by Amanda, including setting up fire in the driveway of her neighbour, her mother won a temporary conservatorship over her 27-year-old daughter and her $3.5 million estate on August 9.

A hearing is scheduled for September 30 to see if the conservatorship is to be made permanent for her mother as Amanda is currently refusing treatment. One look at her tweets made in recent past and you will notice that Amanda shows a different behaviour.

"I'm having surgery today on my nose! I'm going to post a video of some of the procedure on my twitter!," the actress tweeted on June 22 adding she "loves plastic surgery."

"My life has changed for the better ever since I changed to lower case font," another tweet added.

In August, Bynes was admitted to a psychiatric ward at Ronald Regan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles after the incident which also included dousing her dog with gasoline. However good news is - the actress is responding to medicines and has her share of good and bad days and can come back to leading a normal life.

"She has her good days and bad days, and the goal is obviously to get her therapeutic and stable before being released. Given time and the correct treatment and medicine, Amanda could and should absolutely be able to live with it and be a productive member of society," an insider told Radar Online.

The actress can completely be symptom free if she takes regular medicines. "In fact, she wouldn't likely suffer from symptoms of it if she stays on her medication."

The kind of behaviour the actress displayed in recent past has led most people to believe that she suffers from schizophrenia, but doctors want to study her behavioural pattern further and for a longer time to arrive at the conclusion for the correct medication which she needs.

"[Doctor's have] been observing Amanda, and there has been some improvement ... However, her diagnosis is complex, and the appropriate drug cocktail to treat her hasn't been achieved yet," a source told Radar.

Here is wishing the star a very speedy recovery.