Nicki Minaj performs "Pills N Potions" during the 2014 BET Awards in Los Angeles, California June 29, 2014.  REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni
Nicki Minaj performs "Pills N Potions" during the 2014 BET Awards in Los Angeles, California June 29, 2014. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

Nicki Minaj thinks fame is wrecking havoc on her relationship with her family and she feels very guilty about it. She said she plans to move back to New York to be more grounded and see his brother grow up more.

In an interview for the December-January issue of Complex magazine, the "Anaconda" singer shared that her career cost her quality time with her family and sometimes, she feels guilty about it. She is so guilty about it that she wrote some songs dealing with the guilt. The singer shared that she struggled with a lot of guilt.

"When you're working and you're busy and you're successful, no matter what, something suffers, whether it's your relationship with your mother, your relationship with your whole family, not being able to go to your brother's graduation.... certain things suffer and take the back burner, not because they're on the back burner in your heart but because the world just moves so quickly," the female rapper professed. She shared that she's not alone in feeling this. She said that as people chase their dreams, some things would have to take the backseat, including people they love. She shared that most artists feel this way even though they do not say this out loud.

As she lives in LA and her family remains in New York, she said she misses the little things like running across the street and hugging her mother and siblings. If she wants to see them now, she would have to take a six-hour flight. Being in New York from time to time does not make things better because she would only see them for a few hours. She added that when she has work in New York, she could already be there for a few days but her schedule does not even permit her to see her family, not even for something as simple as lunch.

Aside from not seeing each other, she really feels that sometimes her career is making her relationship with her family suffer. She said that choosing her career sometimes makes her think that when things fell apart at her home or with her family, she's responsible. The singer shared that as she has always been the "voice of reason" in her family, not being around when something untoward happens makes her feel as if she's at fault.

Her revealing interview showed that despite her revealing and controversial performances, she has a sensitive spot within her, especially for her family. She missed them so much that she told E! that she plans to move back to the East Coast, to be more grounded and see his baby brother grow up more.