Nicki Minaj Accepts the Award for Best Female Hip Hop Artist During the 2014 BET Awards
Nicki Minaj accepts the award for best female hip hop artist during the 2014 BET Awards in Los Angeles, California June 29, 2014. REUTERS

Nicki Minaj's new lyric video for her single "Only" has earned her backlash and negative reactions on Twitter. The clip reportedly shows Nazi imagery and undermines the millions of lives lost in that dark era of Hitler's reign.

Nicki Minaj's new lyric video is supposed to ignite all sorts of reactions, not only because it's the rap queen's work, but also because it features guest verses by Drake and Lil Wayne and even has a chorus sung by Chris Brown. Despite all these thrown together, what caught the eye of those who saw the clip is the video's imagery. Yahoo Music reports that those who watched the clip think that the video is paying homage to Nazism. Several people reportedly took to Twitter to post their negative reactions to the video.

On the black and white clip, Nicki Minaj is said to be playing a role of a dictator and leading a powerful army. The only color on the video is from what appears to be a Nazi-inspired arm band. According to some observations cited in the Yahoo Music report, Minaj glamourised Nazism in the video, which set off a lot of viewers.

Additionally, Holocaust survivors themselves did not think the video should be out there, as they feel they were disrespected in the video. The Anti-Defamation League's national director, Abraham H. Foxman, who is also a Holocaust survivor, expressed his disappointment.

"Nicki Minaj's new video disturbingly evokes Third Reich propaganda and constitutes a new low for pop culture's exploitation of Nazi symbolism," the director shared in a statement. "The irony should be lost on no one that this video debuted on the 76th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the 'night of broken glass,' pogrom that signaled the beginning of the Final Solution and the Holocaust," another line from the statement read.

Jeff Osborne is the man behind the concept of the video. While he is not the first to have thought of a Nazi-related theme on entertainment videos, "Only" reportedly showed Nazism in an almost positive light, which naturally angered many. While Minaj herself has yet to respond to the backlash regarding the video, Osborne has been actually retweeting and favoriting the negative comments that the video clip is receiving.