Nicole Richie has turned the tables on a paparazzo by posting his picture on her Instagram. The "Fashion Star" mentor was aghast to see a photographer dropping his little daughter on the floor just to take her photos.

The 31-year-old mother of two said that she was walking through the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) after flying from New York when she noticed a man carrying a little girl with him to follow her.

She claimed that the man dropped his own kid on the floor just so he could take Nicole's pictures.

Nicole was appalled at the man's actions that she quickly pulled out her camera and took his photo.

"This paparazzi dragged his poor, sweet little girl on my plane from NYC to LA. As he ran her off the plane, he dropped her ON THE FLOOR of LAX as she laid there, crying her eyes out... Just to get his shot. #Heartbreaking #FatherOfTheYear," Nicole wrote on the caption of the photo.

It isn't clear when did Nicole take the first two pictures of the man, but it's probably shot after the incident. There are also no photos that show the photographer actually dropped his daughter and left her crying just to take his shot.

While her fans lauded Nicole for shaming the paparazzo, not all of her followers were impressed, with some of them even condemning the star for jumping to conclusion.

"You know what IS shame?...that man obviously has a family and bills to pay and one good shot of a 'star' could help send that little girl to college one day. Big Picture folks. don't forget it," Instagram user _a_u_d_j_ wrote.

Nicole raises daughter Harlow (born 2008) and son Sparrow ((born 2009) with husband Joel Madden.